Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One Effect of Global Warming

The average global temperature has been increasing in the recent years. NASA’s record-breaking of temperature has shown that the average temperature of 14.01 C degrees in the 1970s has increased to 14.59 during the first five years of this new decade and it keeps rising. Scientists believe that this temperatures increase will cause more strong storms, floods, heat waves and ice melting. Actually some of these effects have already seen in different parts of the world. For example in May 2003 1,600 people died in a heat wave in India, and three months later, another 35,000 people also died in Europe. A temperature change has affected the ecosystems as well. Because of warmer winters and earlier springs, some plant species bloom several weeks earlier which affect the food supplies and plant cycles. Also many birds species’ habitats have been affected as they are forced to move several times a year to search for cooler temperatures.


Nayef said...

one of the most important effects of global warming in your opinion?

jowesm said...

In my opinion, ice mealting , the increase of co2 pearcentage and the increase of sea level.