Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is Global Warming?

Global warming or climate change refers to an average rise in temperatures in several parts of the world. This problem has existed for a long time before, but it become worse recently and it is going to become even worse. I see this issue is important to discuss since it is a real problem that affect our daily life and some governments don’t realize how it is a dangerous environmental problem which can damage whole world. However, the earth’s temperature has risen in the past century by 1.1oF and they predict it will increase between 2.5oF and 10.4OF over the next century. Some Europan and other American countries experienced the hottest months during last summer, so it's really a dangerous problem and it has many serious effects on the world.


Nayef said...

what's the global warming in few words ..?

jowesm said...

The increase in tempreture of earth automsphare layer in recent yrars.