Wednesday, January 2, 2008

about me

My name is Jasem Al-Ali and i was born in Abu Dhabi. I am 21 years old. Now, I am studing civil engineering at ADMC and I am sponsored by the municipality. I like traveling too much. I have been to Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Also, I like all sports and my favorite club is Al-Jazera, but for international i support Manchester United. The weekend, I prefer to spend time with my friends and family. However, sometime I go to Dubai or Al-Ain. Also, I like to go to Marina Mall and sit in Star bucks which is favorite place, because there I meet my old friends. In future, I hope to gradute from college with a high diploma degree, buy my dream car, a Porsh Cayene Turbo, and get married.

What is Global Warming?

Global warming or climate change refers to an average rise in temperatures in several parts of the world. This problem has existed for a long time before, but it become worse recently and it is going to become even worse. I see this issue is important to discuss since it is a real problem that affect our daily life and some governments don’t realize how it is a dangerous environmental problem which can damage whole world. However, the earth’s temperature has risen in the past century by 1.1oF and they predict it will increase between 2.5oF and 10.4OF over the next century. Some Europan and other American countries experienced the hottest months during last summer, so it's really a dangerous problem and it has many serious effects on the world.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Global Warming Causes

There are several causes of global warming which came from humans' bad behavior and natural causes. The most significant reason for this issue is the increase of carbon dioxide in the air which is emitted from cars, airplanes, buildings …etc. Also, other chemicals such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide cause air pollution, killing trees and damaging building. Another obvious cause is the population, because more people means more using of transportation, so more fossil fuels will burn. Yet another important reason is cutting down trees. In addition, acid rain and forest fires make earth too hot and damage green areas. Moreover, some methods of dumping rubbish are also increasing from this problem. The last point to consider is greenhouse gases which are made from methane gas from wetlands and tundra.

One cause of Global Warming

One cause of global warming is the different human activity which releases CO2 from the fossil fuels, especially since the industrial revolution. The CO2 level in the air has been increased a lot comparing to 100 years ago. Most of the CO2 come from transportation which produces huge amount of CO2 into the air once its engines start working till it stop. In addition, Statistics show that 51% of CO2 emissions come from vehicles fossil fuels. Furthermore, co2 increases the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere and it reduces the Oxygen proportion of the earth.

Effects of Global Warming

Global warming will cause a serious impact on the weather, environment, health and economy as well. The weather is getting affected seriously, for example because of the increase in amount of greenhouse gases in the air. The world is facing stronger storms than before. These storms and hitting different parts of the world several times per year. Also because of global warming the evaporation rates in the oceans have increased and that caused heavier rainfall which will lead to growth of forests in dry desert areas especially in Africa. Moreover, even health will be affected, because o thef increase in percentages of and Carbon dioxide, Methane…etc. In addition, the increase of global warming impacts the rate of getting infections diseases. Yet another significant effect is that global warming could lead to a major increase in insect-borne diseases in some countries. Finally, the ecosystems also will be changed such as extinction of many kinds of animals.

One Effect of Global Warming

The average global temperature has been increasing in the recent years. NASA’s record-breaking of temperature has shown that the average temperature of 14.01 C degrees in the 1970s has increased to 14.59 during the first five years of this new decade and it keeps rising. Scientists believe that this temperatures increase will cause more strong storms, floods, heat waves and ice melting. Actually some of these effects have already seen in different parts of the world. For example in May 2003 1,600 people died in a heat wave in India, and three months later, another 35,000 people also died in Europe. A temperature change has affected the ecosystems as well. Because of warmer winters and earlier springs, some plant species bloom several weeks earlier which affect the food supplies and plant cycles. Also many birds species’ habitats have been affected as they are forced to move several times a year to search for cooler temperatures.

Global Warming and UAE

Many environmentalists said that UAE will be upsetting under effects of global warming unless they work to reduce the temperature. The continuing rise in the summer heat will lead to many serious problems like damaging the buildings, melting the roads and reducing the tourism activity. Moreover, it may cause flooding because of the rising of the sea levels.

However, the residents are not aware enough about the danger of global warming and the biggest evidence of this increase in the amount of waste. To avoid these problems the residents have been asked to cooperate with the government to find suitable solutions for these problems. In short, everyone around the world should assist each other and work hard in order to survive from the global warming effects and live safety.

Individual Actions in the UAE

UAE is one of the countries which care a lot about environment issues and trying its best to find best solutions to reduce pollution, the first link's article is describing the UAE's efforts to improve the environments. One of its first projects was under the leadership of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nhyan, when he lunched a tree planting program. Today, there are tens of millions of trees all around the country. This program helped Emirates to understand the important role that trees and green plants play in the environment and in reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

These efforts are continued now a days by the new generation of leaders. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, has announced the establishment of a program to reduce the UAE’s CO2 emissions by around 40 per cent, while at the same time using the captured CO2 to increase oil production by around 10 per cent.

1. A Publication of the National U.S. - Arab Chamber of Commerce
2. UAE Interact